Fashion Law: a Practice-Oriented Seminar

This course prepares students to think and act as counselors in anticipating and addressing the principal legal issues faced by fashion, luxury and beauty companies. This practice-oriented perspective is intended to introduce students to the range of issues typically encountered by a business lawyer or in-house counsel. In particular, students will learn the various procedures, costs and limitations of using copyrights, trademarks and patents to protect fashion brands and designs. Students will analyze I.P. case law so as to relate fashion jurisprudence to practical business strategies. Practice-oriented simulations will prepare students to utilize I.P. concepts in conducting a basic trademark search and writing the related client opinion letter, and further to work in teams in negotiating a full-length apparel or fragrance licensing contract. Students will also be introduced to the key business operations issues faced by fashion lawyers and general counsel, including commercial sales to retailers, international sourcing from factories, anti-counterfeiting and anti-sweatshop strategies.

Grading and method of Evaluation:
Letter grade with pass/fail option. Final grades will be based on a final exam, participation in the licensing negotiation simulation, and two short written assignments.