Globalization Demands a New Kind of Legal Practitioner

We offer exciting opportunities for you to take your legal studies abroad and experience the law from an entirely different perspective. Globalization has been an inherent part of the human journey. It has impacted every sphere of life in our society and legal practice is no exception. The ready movement of capital, labor, goods, and services across national borders drives the need for globally trained legal professionals.

With our international programs backed by over a century of excellence, we are meeting the demands of a new world of law.

Degree Programs

When you pursue an international degree, you open yourself up to learning about the world in a whole new way.

Short-Term Programs

Fit international study into your academic calendar by pursuing an international short-term program.

Short-Term Programs for International Attorneys and Scholars

Short-Term Programs for J.D. Students


Office of International Programs
Phone: (718) 780-0626