Stacy Caplow
Clinical Education
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Immigration Law
Lawyering Skills
Trial and Appellate Advocacy
Articles & Essays
The Sinking Immigration Court: Change Course, Save the Ship, 4 AILA Law Journal 39 (2022)
BrooklynWorksGovernors! Seize the Law: A Call to Expand the Use of Pardons to Provide Relief from Deportation, 22 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 293 (2013)
BrooklynWorksAfter the Flood: The Legacy of the Surge of Federal Immigration Appeals, 7 Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy 1 (2012)
BrooklynWorks SSRNAccessing Justice: The Availability and Adequacy of Counsel Removal Proceedings: New York Immigrant Representation Study Report, 33 Cardozo Law Review 357 (2011) (with others)
BrooklynWorksChanges to the Culture of Adversarialness: Endorsing Candor, Cooperation and Civility in Relationships between Prosecutors and Defense Counsel, 38 Hasting Constitutional Law Quarterly 845 (2011) (with Lisa Griffin)
BrooklynWorks SSRNPunch Lines: Two Tales from a Law Student Intern's Summer in the City, 76 UMKC Law Review 831 (2008)
BrooklynWorksPutting the "I" in Wrtng: Drafting an A/Effective Personal Statement to Tell a Winning Refugee Story, 14 Journal of the Legal Writing Institute 249 (2008)
BrooklynWorks SSRN PDFThe Gaelic Goetz: A Case of Self-Defense in Ireland, 17 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (2008)
BrooklynWorks PDFClinical Legal Education in Hong Kong: A Time to Move Forward, 36 Hong Kong Law Journal 229 (2006)
BrooklynWorks"Deport All the Students": Lessons Learned in an X-treme Clinic, 13 Clinical Law Review 633 (2006)
BrooklynWorksCo-Teaching International Criminal Law: New Strategies to Meet the Challenges of a New Course, 31 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 103 (2005) (with M. Fullerton)
BrooklynWorks SSRN"Tacking Too Close to the Wind": The Challenge to Prosecution Clinics to Set Our Students on a Straight Course, 74 Mississippi Law Journal 919 (2005)
BrooklynWorksSymposium, Domestic Violence in Legal Education and Legal Practice: A Dialogue Between Professors and Practitioners, 11 Journal of Law and Policy 409 (2003)
BrooklynWorksThe Impossible Dream Come True: A Criminal Law Professor Becomes Juror #7, 67 Brooklyn Law Review 785 (2002)
BrooklynWorksWhen A Clinician Grew in Brooklyn: A Tribute to Kathleen Sullivan, 8 Clinical Law Review 25 (2001) (with M. Kotkin)
BrooklynWorksStill in the Dark: Disappointing Images of Women Lawyers in the Movies, 20 Women’s Rights Law Reporter 55 (1999) (reprinted in part in M. Canavan, Woman's Law (Fred B Rothman & Co 2000)
BrooklynWorksWhat if There is No Client?: Prosecutors as Counselors of Crime Victims, 5 Clinical Law Review 1 (1998)
BrooklynWorksA Year in Practice: The Journal of a Reflective Clinician, 3 Clinical Law Review 1 (1996)
BrooklynWorksFrom Courtroom to Classroom: Creating an Academic Component to Enhance the Skills and Values Learned in a Student Judicial Clerkship Clinic, 75 Nebraska Law Review 872 (1996)
BrooklynWorksBook Review, Images of Law School and Law Teaching in An Imperfect Spy, 8 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 263 (1996) (with S.W. Waller) (reviewing Amanda Cross, An Imperfect Spy (1995)
BrooklynWorks SSRN"Portrait of a Lady": The Woman Lawyer in the 1980s, 35 New York Law School Law Review 391 (1990) (with S.A. Scheindlin)
BrooklynWorksAutopsy of a Murder: Using Simulation to Teach First Year Criminal Law, 19 New Mexico Law Review 137 (1989)
BrooklynWorksCommentary: Under Advisement: Attorney Fee Forfeiture and the Supreme Court, 55 Brooklyn Law Review 111 (1989)
BrooklynWorksThe Reluctant Witness for the Prosecution: Grand Jury Subpoenas to Defense Counsel, 51 Brooklyn Law Review 769 (1985)
Multi Defendant Criminal Cases: Federal Law and Procedure (West Group 1998 & Supps. 1999-) (with L. Griffin)
Contributions to Books
Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678 (2001), in Feminist Judgments: Immigration Law Opinions Rewritten (Kathleen Kim, Kevin Lapp, & Jennifer Lee eds., 2023) (with Maryellen Fullerton and Nicole Hallett)
Learning and Teaching Immigration Law Through Experience: Law School Clinical Programs, in Learning and Teaching the Law Affecting Migrants: Theory and Practice (2022) (with Megan Ballard & Richard Boswell)
The Activity Based Seminar, in Techniques for Teaching Law II (Carolina Academic Press, 2011) (with others)
Reversal of Fortune, Affirmation of Ambiguity, in Screening Justice: The Cinema of Law: Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice (William S. Hein & Co. 2006)
Using Teaching Assistants to Put Criminal Law in Context, in Teaching the Law School Curriculum (Carolina Academic Press 2004)
Field Placement Programmes, in A Handbook on Clinical Legal Education (Eastern Book Co. 1998) (N.R.M. Menon ed.) (with M.J. Eyster & K. Gallant)
Sex Offenses and Offenses Against Marriage, in New York Criminal Practice (LexisNexis 1986 & Supp. 1986)
Mona Retires, 8 Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practice and Clinical Law 67 (Reprint; originally appeared in Clinical Legal Education Association Creative Writing Contest, 2002 (Honorable Mention))
BrooklynWorksDead to Write (Reprint originally appeared in Clinical Legal Education Association Creative Writing Contest, 2005 (First Prize))
PDFGrand Jury Policies and Procedures Manual, (1987) (with J. Goldberg and J. Meyers) (unpublished materials, apprx. 160 pages)
Popular Press
What About an Immig-Corps?, National Law Journal (May 25, 2011)
WebImmigration Court: Bullies of the Bench, National Law Journal (Mar. 2007)
WebCaught in the Middle: The Predicament of Children in the U.S. Immigration System, 10 BLS Law Notes 36 (Summer 2005)
Two Immigrants, Two Standards, Washington Post (Feb. 11, 2005) at A19 (with L. Kosseff) (reprinted in Miami Herald and Salt Lake City Tribune (Feb. 15, 2006))
WebNo More Delays for Liberian Children: Ease Way for Liberians to Enter U.S., Newsday (Aug. 28, 2003) at A37
Book Review, New York Law Journal (Dec. 17, 1999) (reviewing A. Taslitz, Rape and the Culture of the Courtroom) (1999))