Our Diversity Mission in Action

Brooklyn Law School has been committed to diversity since its founding in 1901. During a time when many law schools excluded women and minorities, we accepted all qualified students, acting as an important gateway to economic, civic, and professional success for people of all backgrounds.

Today’s distinguished body of 1,166 students reflects a diverse community. Approximately 55% of our students are women, and more than one-third are from historically underrepresented backgrounds. In fact, 38% of the 2023 incoming class was comprised of students who identify as members of various underrepresented groups, and 66% were women. Our students differ by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, religion, physical ability, marital and parental status, and economic background. Our 2023 incoming class came from 36 states and represented 15 foreign countries.

Together with our talented faculty and against the backdrop of New York City, one of the most diverse cities in the world, our students create a vibrant, inclusive intellectual community and a great place to begin life as a lawyer.

For information or questions about diversity at Brooklyn Law School, please contact Professor Joy Kanwar, Associate Dean of Inclusion & Diversity, joy.kanwar@brooklaw.edu.

Student Enrichment

Brooklyn Law School is home to student organizations and events devoted to issues of multiculturalism.

Faculty Diversity

View the extraordinary contributions of our diverse faculty.

Brooklyn Law School’s Commitment to Diversity and Anti-Racism

Learn more about Brooklyn Law School's commitment to anti-racism and the engaging work, conversations, and explorations taking place to ensure the law school lives up to its own ambitions.

Career Opportunities

As a law school strongly committed to diversity, we are dedicated to maximizing career opportunities for our students.

Alumni & Mentoring

Brooklyn Law School has a long tradition of alumni who were trailblazers. We provide mentoring between current students and graduates. 

Veteran Resources

We support veterans and provide dedicated resources.

Title IX & Reasonable Accommodations

Brooklyn Law School is committed to maintaining a respectful, supportive, and inclusive, community free from sexual misconduct. The Law School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy identifies behavior that constitutes sexual misconduct and was created to foster a climate of respect and security on campus and to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct. These procedures help ensure that students understand their rights and are aware of how to find any resources they may need. The Law School has mandatory Title IX training for all incoming and student leaders.

Students seeking a reasonable accommodation based on a physical or mental disability must seek accommodations through the accommodation process. The purpose of the Reasonable Accommodation Procedures is to provide students with information about how to request accommodations so that their physical or mental disability, including pregnancy and related conditions, do not exclude them from Brooklyn Law School’s academic programs and activities.

Dedicated contact:
Louise Cohen, Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
250 Joralemon Street, Room 610B
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-780-0377
Email: louise.cohen@brooklaw.edu