A Hub for Public Service Law

Brooklyn Law School’s Public Service Law Center serves as a hub of resources and information related to public service programs and initiatives. The PSLC advances the Law School’s dynamic tradition of service, offering myriad ways for students to use their legal education to engage in public service, from an expansive array of student-led pro bono projects to innovative fellowship programs.

Whether or not students hope to devote their entire career to this field, engaging in public service is a great way to gain real-world legal experience and make a positive difference for individuals and communities. Students can participate in a skill-building program, intern with a government agency or nonprofit legal services or policy organization, or get involved in one or more of the Law School’s many pro bono projects.

The PSLC offers individual public service career counseling to students and alumni; programming on public service-related topics, such as client interviewing workshops, career roundtables with practicing public service attorneys, and workshops on preparing for public service job interviews; and support for pro bono projects and public service-oriented student organizations.

Community Building

The Public Service Law Center coordinates events year-round to help developing public service lawyers gain valuable skills and create networking opportunities. These include an annual welcome lunch, community service day, and award ceremony, as well as information sessions on careers in public service, workshops, and more.


The Public Service Law Center offers opportunities to engage in public service through courses and hands-on experience.  The Pro Bono Scholars Program allows students in their final year to devote their last semester to performing pro bono service for low-income individuals through an approved externship program, law school clinic, legal services provider, law firm, or corporation.

Pro Bono Projects

Brooklyn Law School has over 20 student-run pro bono projects. Participation in pro bono projects allows students to give back to the community, gain valuable legal experience, and enhance their resume. Pro bono projects span a range of practice areas and populations, including working with alleged debtors, domestic violence survivors, entrepreneurs, immigrants, public benefits recipients, students, and veterans. The Public Service Law Center also hosts alternative spring and winter breaks where students engage in public service in locations including the U.S.-Mexico border and Puerto Rico.

Career Support & Summer Funding

Public service employers look for relevant experience and demonstrated commitment to their mission when considering applicants. Internships, clinics, pro bono projects, and other relevant work experience are critical to landing a public service job after graduation. The Public Service Law Center helps students locate opportunities and, through assistance with resumes, cover letters, and interviews, put their best foot forward in the internship and job search process. The PSLC also offers sources of funding that allow students to both take an unpaid public service summer internship and cover living expenses.

Public Service Awards

Every spring, the Public Service Law Center hosts an award ceremony and reception to celebrate graduating students who have performed extraordinary pro bono and public service work during law school. In addition to working with myriad non-profit organizations including The Legal Aid Society and Legal Services NYC, our students have developed dozens of pro bono projects that help improve the quality of life for vulnerable individuals and families.


The Public Service Law Center supports alumni at any stage in their careers—including both those in public service and those looking to transition from the private sector to nonprofit or government work. The PSLC provides counseling, resume and cover letter review, and help preparing for interviews. Alumni also have access to our internal job board and PSJD, as well as our alumni database.

If you are interested in mentoring a BLS student or participating in one of our many student programs, email us at publicservice@brooklaw.edu.

Contact Us

Have questions about the Public Service Law Center?

Email: publicservice@brooklaw.edu
Phone: (718) 780-0689