Alexis J. Hoag-Fordjour
B.A., Yale University
Criminal Law
Critical Race Theory
Criminal Procedure
Articles & Essays
Universal Public Defense, 60 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review __ (forthcoming 2025)
Response: Client Counseling in Post-Conviction, 104 Boston University Law Review 1963 (2024) (responding to Angelo Petrigh, Counseling Oppression, 104 Boston University Law Review 1895 (2024)
BrooklynWorksBack to the Future: (Re)constructing Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 58 University of California Davis Law Review 111 (forthcoming 2024)
SSRNWhite is Right: The Racial Construction of Effective Assistance of Counsel, 98 New York University Law Review 770 (2023)
WebThe Color of Justice, 120 Michigan Law Review 977 (2022) (reviewing Sara Mayeux, Free Justice (2020))
BrooklynWorks WebBlack on Black Representation, 96 New York University Law Review 1493 (2021)
BrooklynWorksAbolition as the Solution: Redress for Victims of Excessive Police Force, 48 Fordham Urban Law Journal 721 (2021)
BrooklynWorksValuing Black Lives: A Case for Ending the Death Penalty, 51 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 983 (2020)
BrooklynWorksAn Unbroken Thread: African American Exclusion from Jury Service, Past and Present, 81 Louisiana Law Review 55 (2020)
BrooklynWorksContributions to Books
COVID-19 and Prisoners’ Rights, co-author, in Law in the Time of COVID-19 (Katharina Pistor ed., 2020)
Beyond Gideon: Choice of Counsel, Inquest (March 9, 2023)
WebIn rare win for people on death row, justices chide Arizona for ignoring Supreme Court precedent, SCOTUSblog (Feb. 23, 2023)
WebOp-ed, Professors Protest Nomination of LaSalle, NY Amsterdam News (Jan. 12, 2023) (w/ Jocelyn Simonson & Kate Mogulescu)
WebBlaming the Poor for the Lawyers They Were Given: Shinn v. Ramirez and the Right to Effective Capital Defense Counsel, 44 Amicus J. 8 (2023) (w/ Russell Stetler)
Arizona asks court to approve “Kafkaesque” treatment of due-process claim from man on death row, SCOTUSblog (Nov. 2, 2022)
WebA due-process claim from a man on death row hinges on how the justices view an Arizona procedural rule, SCOTUSblog (Oct. 29, 2022)
WebClosing Remarks - 10th Annual Symposium: How the Law Underdeveloped Racial Minorities in the United States, 11 Columbia Journal of Race and Law Forum 33 (2021)
WebReclaiming Reconstruction, in Laying Claim to the Constitution, Constitutional Accountability Center (2021)
WebShinn v. Ramirez and Jones, Op-ed, American Constitution Society (2021),
WebState v. Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr., No. 15-114919-S (Kan. 2021), amicus curiae brief
WebThe Right to Culturally Competent Counsel, 41 Amicus J. 22 (2021)
Derrick Bell’s Interest Convergence and the Permanence of Racism: A Reflection on Resistance, Harvard Law Review Blog (Aug. 24, 2020)